I visited the Fife Migrants Forum last week to discuss the Census 2011 statistics on migration. Fife Migrants Forum is a not-for- profit organisation that is run by a
committee and provides free help, advice, support, information and
The following blog summarises the information on migrants from Census 2011 based on country of birth. This will form the basis of further discussion on how these statistics can be further refined to provide information on specific communities.
There are thirty small areas (2011 datazones) in Fife with over 10% of the population who were born outside the UK. The areas with the highest percentages of non-UK born are in St Andrew's. These are highlighted on a map and listed below.
Table QS801SC from the Census Data Explorer can be used to find more details of the countries of birth and how long the migrants have been in the UK.
The remaining datazones are in Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline and Cupar.
Source: www.scotlandcensus.gov.uk
The Census tables for 2011 datazones are currently only available through Standard Outputs. Downloadable files will soon be available containing all published tables for these geographies.
Details of the datazones were be downloaded from the Scottish Government website
and the ONS Open Geography Portal http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/sns/SNSRef/DZ2011Lookups
The following blog summarises the information on migrants from Census 2011 based on country of birth. This will form the basis of further discussion on how these statistics can be further refined to provide information on specific communities.
There are thirty small areas (2011 datazones) in Fife with over 10% of the population who were born outside the UK. The areas with the highest percentages of non-UK born are in St Andrew's. These are highlighted on a map and listed below.
Table QS801SC from the Census Data Explorer can be used to find more details of the countries of birth and how long the migrants have been in the UK.

The remaining datazones are in Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline and Cupar.
Source: www.scotlandcensus.gov.uk
The Census tables for 2011 datazones are currently only available through Standard Outputs. Downloadable files will soon be available containing all published tables for these geographies.
Details of the datazones were be downloaded from the Scottish Government website
and the ONS Open Geography Portal http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/sns/SNSRef/DZ2011Lookups
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